Sunday 26 February 2012

Chassis Cleaning

The full extent of the crap and crud on the chassis can now be seen since the suspension is removed.

A full 5 hours of cleaning this morning has revealed that the chassis is actually bright red! I thought it was oil coloured!

There is no magic method that I have found for cleaning oil and crud off. I resorted to Gunk degreaser (not sure if it's the best but it worked for me), a wire brush and lots of paper towel. Then it's just down to elbow grease and patience.

5 hours into the cleaning it looks better, but still plenty to go.

I think I will have to spend quite a few more hours on cleaning before its acceptable. I also think I might have to take the radiator out to complete it properly.

I also need to find out if it needs fully repainting or if cleaning and touching up is enough. There are a few very small areas back to bare metal so something will have to be done, either patch it up or full coat over the whole area. I'll take advice from the JOC forum.

While cleaning I noticed that one of the rubber hoses is damaged. It looks like it has been rubbing on the top right upper fulcrum bolts. There is quite a big area of damage so needs replacing. Another job to the list

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