Thursday 1 December 2011

Purchase and first steps

I have had the Interceptor for around 4 weeks. It was originally listed on eBay but with the help of a Jensen specialist I managed to negotiate a deal direct with the owner. When going to view and purchase the car I took a Jensen specialist with me, I would recommend this course of action to any potential Jensen owner who does not know these vehicles inside out. I am lucky and live very close to Appleyards who are very highly regarded in Jensen circles. Andy (Appleyards owner) is extremely knowledgeable and will talk Jensens to anyone for as long as you will listen! He also makes a decent brew if you are nearby and drop in.

So, the viewing day arrived and Andy and I headed off to South Wales to view the Jensen. Andy gave it a thorough inspection and gave it the thumbs up. It won't win any prizes (yet), but it was exactly as described and had an MOT with no apparent major body problems. 

I parted with the cash and then drove it, grinning all the way, back the Midlands! What a journey! The engine sound from the V8 was the only soundtrack required. There were plenty of other drivers slowing down to take a look. It's a real headturner if only because it is so unique looking.

Since the purchase I have taken it out for a few Sunday drives but now is the time to start work on it. 

First task, back to Appleyards for it to go up on the ramp for a winter service and a full inspection so a jobs list can be created.

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